Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Are YOU ready for 2009?
So, we are down to just under 2 weeks left 'til the New Year. Now what? Have you thought about what you want to accomplish? Are your resolutions the same every year? Why not make 2009 the best year ever?
My friend, Gary Ryan Blair wants to show you how.
Take action and get a head start today.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
With this economy, many folks may be looking for jobs...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Don't touch that dizzle!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Make it a true Butterball Day
(1) TEMP should be 275 to 300 NO hotter
I could give a rip what Grandma told you. OVER 275-300 and you cook the BREAST TOO FAST = DRY BIRD. The key is SLOW cooking. HIGHER than 300 and you cook the breast meat TOO fast. That's where DRY BIRD comes from.
Yes, KOSHER SALT + rub all over like snow = 45 MIN. Why? Because it causes the juices to DASH to the sky. Why? Because it makes the bird silky smooth as MOIST wet dew.
"But, what about cleaning all that salt off?"
Geez louise, of course. First, don't salt the thing for more than 45 and yes, WASH BIG time and get all the salt off.
After interviewing many, many BIRD enthusiasts, the revered common words were, "DRY the bird
and always cook a DRY bird." Don't cook when bird is still kinda wet from cleaning. DRY THE THING WELL. Meaning, after you CLEAN and salt and clean again DRY the gobbler foul WELL.
(4) "FOIL me this Bat-Man."
This faux chef asked a REAL CHEF, resident food lord FRED LARGE
and old brother Fred Rothchild piped, "Joe, wrap with FOIL (the top) and the FOIL will BASTE the bird for you and make it WAY crunchy."
XTRA TIP from Fast Fredy: RE-MOVE FOIL after 2 Hrs. Why? So the glorious SKIN has time to GOLDEN BROWN itself.
(5) TIME is as always 15-20 PER LB
slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww + 275 to 300 DEGREES. 275 to 300 and about 15-20 MIN per POUND.
Cook turkey with lots of SIDE dishes in the oven as well. Open the oven + close + open = you spoil the bird. What happens is you REMOVE the heat when you keep opening the darn oven. Plus, the extra stuff around the bird that you're cooking delays the cooking time.
When To Remove The BIRD
FRED who does this F/T said, "Ace, what you do is take the thing out at 145 DEGREES." FRED said the INTERNET and your in-laws will say 165. Fred says, "DONT DO IT."
Why? Because at 145 degree (check the BREAST for 145 degrees)
At 145 degrees you take turkey OUT and let sit for 30-45 MINUTES. Rothchild also added that at the time you CUT the bird, it should be at about 155 to 160 degrees.
While it sits at 145 degrees it's STILL COOKING. I said, "Thanks Fred." He said, "pass the gravy."
Have a happy, blessed Thanksgiving.
With a big, fat, jiggly hug,
PS - Joe certainly knows turkeys, but he ROCKS at marketing. For more Joe, visit: Go ahead. Immerse yourself in his world and you'll end up one-upping yourself instantly. If your eyes and ears are open, you'll be thanking me!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
24 on FOX! Season opener tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, so that's the good news.... The not-so-good news is that it's really a prequel to the season which doesn't start until January....
Hey, at least it's something. You know where I'll be tonight. Note to self: pick up large dish of cookies 'n cream fro-yo..
Have fun :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
No more insanity!
I've been fortunate to have tried and been exposed to many different activities, some of which I just can't help going back to even though I know I won't enjoy them!
Huh? Okay, so this past weekend, I woke up super early on Saturday and thought to myself, why not utilize this great energy and go to the gym? So I hopped out of bed and ran to see what classes were being offered at 6:30-ish... Well well well, the only one at that hour was spinning, cycling, running your legs in circles without going anywhere... whatever you want to call it.
Off I went. Now, this was not the first time I've taken a spin class. I've gone many many many times before, but never without several months in between. Why? Okay here's the deal.
For as long as I can recall, I have never been able to walk out of spin class without experiencing a great deal of post-workout pain. I'm NOT talking about muscle soreness. I'm NOT talking about lactic acid build-up. I'm no stranger to any of that, in fact, I LOVE that about working out. NOooooooooooooo...
I'm talking about a different pain- a pain unique to spinning in my, shall we say... AREA. Yes. It is now Monday and I am still experiencing the after-shock of that horrible bike seat.
Wtf?!? I always MARVEL at the other women at my gym who just spin away, week after week after week.. And multiple times per week! How do they do it???
I finally got the courage to ask a fellow "regular" rider on Saturday. "Don't you feel any PAIN?... Down THERE?" And this was her response:
"Oh, pssssshh. Don't worry. It'll toughen up!"
Toughen up? Yeeeeeeaaah. Maybe for you, but I'm not so into "toughening up" right there. Sorry! The words tough and flower just don't go together.. follow me?
I know I've learned this lesson over and over and so it's my own fault for continuing to take this class every so often. The end result is always the same. Einstein was right when he said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Ladies, I'm all ears... DO tell how you manage. And don't suggest those crazy padded shorts, please!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Facing my fears
One ride I haven't been able to get myself on is that crazy-looking Hollywood Tower of Terror thing. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am big into facing and conquering your fears head-on. The day before my wedding, for example, I jumped off a natural cliff in Hawaii. I have a huge fear of heights. Granted, it took me about an hour to muster up the courage, but I did it. And a few years ago, I finally took that nasty vertical shoot up and drop down ride at Six Flags specifically to conquer my fears.
Yeah, so I have this fear of that vertical drop thing. So, obviously, the Tower of Terror absolutely terrifies me. But, it BOTHERS me that I haven't ridden it ever. That I have let me fear control me.
So, last weekend, I decided it was high time I got it over with. Alas, my husband agreed and said he was all for it. Our son, however, was not as one with this suggestion and ruled it out. I'd like to think I was "saved" but now it's high on my to-do list. The next opportunity I have, I'm taking that dreadful ride.
Someday I'll knock off a sky dive as well. It's all good. It's good for the soul.
Meantime, I'll get my kicks here, practicing vicariously through these poor souls.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Who ELSE wants to pounce on Ponce?!?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
He's Baaaaaaack!
Last summer, the controversial Pick-Up Artist debuted on VH1 and eight lovable losers had the opportunity to learn Mystery’s famous “Mystery Method”— a step-by-step system to meet, attract, and seduce beautiful women.
He's back now, for a second season and eight new misfits will live together, learn together and love together by taking part in Mystery’s tried-and-true techniques - all under his guidance.
Here are a few of his tips: (Ladies.. your thoughts?)
*Give more attention to her less attractive friend at first, so your target will get jealous and try to win your attention.
*Always approach a target within 3 seconds of noticing her. If a woman senses your hesitation, her perception of your value will be lower.
*Don't be picky. Approach as many groups of people in a bar as you can and entertain them with fun conversation. As you move about the room, positive perception of you will grow. Now it's easy to meet anyone you want.
*Smile. Guys who don't get laid, don't smile.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
You Wanna Preserve Your Sexy..
Listen, the next time you go to order your vodka-based drinks, keep in mind the only way to preserve your sexy is to go with THE smoooooothest kind.... And according to Diddy, it's his very own: Ciroc Vodka.
Watch this hilarious clip from the Ellen DeGeneres Show where he is put to the test!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Cool holiday gift idea for all the kids in your life

A few years ago, I caught sight of a child riding one of these at the airport. At the time, the product was not available in the US. After waiting another year, they finally became available online.
I immediately placed my name on a waiting list and eventually was able to purchase a set for my kids last summer. They were such a hit, I sent them to all my nieces for Christmas.
The greatest thing about this mini luggage is that it doubles as a ride-on. At the airport, walking long distances is inevitable and for the kids, this piece makes it all fun! My kids love riding these at the airports, especially on those big, smooth surfaces.
They race each other, pull each other. My son has even mastered a little wheelie-spinout...

There are two little "nubs" that the kids can hold on to as handles, as well as a "leash" that can be used to pull the luggage in tow, or as a shoulder strap. And to top it all off, it is big enough to carry all of your child's favorite must-haves. And now you won't even have to carry them! Your child will LOVE doing so on his or her own!!
It never fails, every time we travel I am stopped at least 5 times by people asking where I got the cool luggage. So, I'm telling you now...
Go to for the main site, or if you are in the US.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Time's a tickin'...
Today marks the 100-Day Countdown for 2008. Have you thought about what you want to accomplish before the end of the year?
Do you want to finish a home project?... Secure a promotion?... Start a new business?... Lose 10 pounds?
Whatever it is, your chances of achieving your goals are much greater if you write them down, be as specific as possible, and let them be known to others.
Since my work-related goals are technical and boring, I'll spare you the details, so here are a few of my personal goals:
1) Read 5 more books.
2) Have 3 dinner dates with my husband only!
3) Have a yard sale to get rid of clutter.
4) Speak to someone new every day.
There you have it. Your turn! Don't get all freakish about this. It's fun. You'll be able to look back on New Year's Day and say, "Hey, I set out to do these things and I did them!"
The countdown has started. You've got 99 days to go!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My New BFF
I have been a looooooong time customer of theirs and have remained loyal initially because of their unprecedented shoe return policy. Free shipping to AND fro for 365 days after purchase. Wow! Whoever heard of being able to return a pair of SHOES one year after you've purchased them?
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to listen to the Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh speak about Zappos' "Path to $1 Billion". In 1999, Zappos began as a private company doing $8.6 million in 2000 and $32 million in 2001. Today, they have 1,600 employees, a 500 person call center, and are well on track to hit $1 billion in sales this year.
Tony emphasized that company culture was key and stressed the importance of achieving the best customer service. was not going to be just about shoes. It was going to be about great customer service- regardless of cost. This is hammered home in every aspect of their retail site and the overall experience.
In order to achieve this, a company culture book is provided to team members each year and every single employee writes a few sentences about what the culture means to him or her. They also send new team members to the company headquarters in Las Vegas for FOUR WEEKS of training just on culture, core values and customer loyalty, followed by a week of warehouse training in Kentucky! That's FIVE weeks of training before even touching a phone and speaking to a precious customer.
From free shipping and free 365-day return shipping, to fast, accurate fulfillment and surprise upgrades, the Zappos experience is like customer service on steroids. Tony shared a story of a customer declaring that what would really make him happy was a pizza but it was 3am. The customer rep searched and found the nearest pizza places in Santa Monica that were still open! WTF?!?
Hey, that's really cool. Today, I had to exchange a pair of shoes I bought for my son. Even though their return instructions are so easy, I called the 800 number just to hear the joke of the day :) To my pleasant surprise, Tony answered and had a guest speaker, Serena friggin' Williams helping him go through the menu options! Hilarious!!!
If you haven't shopped there yet. By all means, check it out. And the best part is, they're not even just shoes anymore. Clothing, bags, accessories... they're all at Zappos now, too.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
SICK Beats..
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Fine Bowling Alley Food?
Instead of a smoky, dingy, dark atmosphere, this place also known as Splitsville, had a fresh, funky and upscale vibe. There were plasma screens everywhere so you could watch sports in between turns. The alleys were spotless and featured all electronic scoring. The leather seating was modern, inviting…clean. And the food – oh, the food!
First of all, whoever heard of good bowling alley food? Forget the greasy onion rings, hot dogs and beer. This menu featured a host of tapas-style appetizers in addition to main eats like: grilled mahi mahi, blackened shrimp, seared ahi tuna, and sirloin steak topped with crab meat and asparagus and coated with hollandaise sauce! Seriously, wtf?
So, I did some researching… Apparently these luxe bowling alleys are all over the place.. Just not in SD. Waaaah. In particular, I’ll have to remember next time I’m visiting to check out Red Rock Lanes in Las Vegas, Lucky Strike Lanes in Chicago and Ten Pin Alley in Atlanta.
Needless to say, I was duly impressed and am itching to go bowling again. We need a Splitsville here in SD! Holla!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
My Pick To Win ANTM Cycle 11 is......
This girl rocks. She's beautiful. She's positive. She's hilarious and best of all, she's OVER THE TOP! I loved her on this season's opener and I'd love to see her win.
You know, 'cuz she go hard. She got a diffrent swagger goin' on. You know? She don't play. She don't fit in into the regular society. She a stereotype slasher. She not lazy. She brung it. She's representin' us Asian females. She got so much flava she don't even know where it come from, for real.
Go Sheena! Go Sheena! Go Sheena!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Personal Fave #89 - A Very Special Kiss
I didn't care.
I opened it up, popped it into my mouth and experienced nothing short of taste bud bliss. That little piece of heaven forced me to grab a handful on my way out after my appointment. I eventually discovered these were Cookies and Cream Hershey's Kisses. OMG. They were sooooooo yummy.
Almost immediately, I was on a mission.
I had to find these and purchase several bags for my home and office stash. Unfortunately, this was not so easy of a task. After checking all of the grocery stores where I frequent as well as the Targets and drugstores of the world, these Kisses were nowhere to be found!
Until NOW.
After months of looking, I finally found them-- in boatloads!!! Okay, wanna know where?
Who knew? Yup. While picking up a copy of their exclusive Hannah Montana Concert DVD for my daughter, I found them in the candy aisle.
Woo hoo! Now I am enjoying these chocolates all the time-- right now, as a matter of fact. They are incredible. And you can, too.
Go get yourself some- you will thank me!!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
As I sit here at my desk which, at the moment is completely covered in papers, my brain is a little fried and I'm drawing a blank..!
On that note, I'll include here a photo of me and some gal pals out for a spur-of-the-moment lunch last month. Funny, we are representin' Korea, China, the Philippines, and Japan... and eating Thai food! Yum :) I could eat Spring Vegetable Rolls ALL DAY LONG.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Personal Fave #20 - For Your Little Trickster

This is one of the coolest, smoothest, raddest outdoor toys I've seen in a while. It's the Razor PowerWing Scooter, which on first blush, may look just like any other scooter with a third wheel. But this thing is incredible!
The sleek design allows for the rider to do amazing tricks and maneuver with ease. Unlike the Rip-Stick, which requires a bit pf practice and balance, the PowerWing is very easy to ride. If you have any bit of motion, you can sway and roll without ever having to push. We tried this at a friend's house and it was addicting to adults and kids alike.
They retail for just under a hundred dollars at Target (which is frequently sold out of these).. It has definitely made the top of my son's Christmas list!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
How Do You Spell NASTY-GROSS?
Vein, that is... I believe I spotted one today on my leg and I'm not happy about it. I was walking up to my boxing class and you know how gyms have mirrors everywhere you turn? Well, I think I saw what looked like a wormy little hellacious, corrupted vein under my skin!!!
Ugh. I lamented all through class and tried to think of how I can fit in an immediate REMOVAL of the thing. But after class was over and I got home to scrutinize what I thought I saw, I couldn't find the damned thing. Now that's not to say I don't have one.
I KNOW I SAW SOMETHING. Those darned fluorescent gym lights. They are so cruel. I will have to re-examine again tomorrow.
Does anyone have experience with these things? Do they just appear and disappear? How do you get them removed?!?
Deep breath. Remain calm.
I must get to the bottom of this. Any help would be appreciated.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Grumpy Man
Last weekend we attended a Beach BBQ for our friend’s birthday. At this particular event, we had a great time getting to know our friends’ extended family a lot better as well as their other friends. Interestingly, there is one gentleman friend of theirs with whom I’ve always had difficulty conversing. He has a seemingly serious temperament and has never responded well to my “Hi, How are you?” conversation openers. It’s not that he’s unresponsive, rather, it’s quite the opposite. He immediately launches into business-talk and frustrations and irritations. He bombards me with questions that in my opinion would not be filed under the category of “Party Atmosphere”, but hey, who am I to say? So, in the past, I’d generally just walk away to find the nearest drink.
Not this time. I decided it was high time to try and loosen this man up and see if there was anything beneath all that grumpiness. After all, our mutual friends must see something in him that I'm missing. So I thought, what in the world could I possibly talk about that might help build rapport and is safe and light-hearted?
Yup. I took a chance and asked the man if he played golf. And with 27 million golfers in the
Cripes. It’s been years, but living in
But, a few weeks ago, my dear friend “D” whose husband is an avid golfer and friend of some of the folks at Taylor Made, came over one day and GAVE ME a gorgeous full set of seemingly new golf clubs, in a beautiful golf bag! I said, “WTF?” She told me that because her husband knows the folks at Taylor Made, he gets a new set virtually every year and that all his “old” sets were gathering dust in the garage.
Are you kidding me? The set I was looking at looked untouched. I was pumped up, especially as I began to recall the single set of clubs on which I learned the game. Yikes. The driver was way before the days of the Big Bertha. My driver would have more aptly been called the Mini Cooper. The head was so small, it seemed like it was barely larger than a golf ball!
When I saw the driver in this new set, I nearly fell over. Now, I haven’t played golf in years, so I haven’t held a club in my hand nor kept up with all the new technology etc. But this thing was like someone had taken a soccer ball and melded it to the bottom of a stick. Holy cow, I thought, how in HELL can anyone miss the ball with this?!? I was so excited and now I can’t wait to get out and start practicing. My girlfriend had 3 other sets that she gave away and we’ve all committed to getting out there ASAP.
So exciting.
Anyway, getting back to my “friend” at the party.. I don’t foresee us ever going out to play a round of golf together, but if I did, it certainly would be interesting. According to golf legend Bobby Jones, “You can learn more about a man (woman) in nine holes than a lifetime.” My dad has always maintained that golf tends to expose your real character. It tests your fortitude, your confidence, and your humility. Hmmm.. all I ever hear about his golf outings is the stress and excitement he experiences from the regular bets he makes with his friends during games. The way he talks you’d think the stakes were exorbitantly high, but it is never more than a couple dollars or a round of beers.
*Sigh.* To each his own. In the meantime, I’m wondering.. Do they make leopard-print golf attire?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Ed Norton SMASH!
I have long-loved comic book heroes and stories with The Incredible Hulk being at the top of my list. I was disappointed with the 2003 Ang Lee movie and was pleasantly surprised (scratch that.. FREAKING OUT) when I'd heard that ED NORTON, one of my favorite actors of all time, was going to be starring as Bruce Banner in this year's film.
'M' and I spent 2 blissfull hours being thoroughly entertained. We were giddy. We were at the edge of our seats in amazement. Our beliefs were suspended. What a great ride the film was. The action was fantastic and Ed Norton was a super duper treat for me. It was purely a smackdown of epic proportions. Woo hoo!!!!!
We can't wait for this to come out on DVD to relive again and again.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I swear that it is the reason I am finally able to execute my long-time nemesis in pole dancing, the Inverted V, as seen here.
Woo hoo! I'm so excited :)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
It's been a while...
I'm halfway through. Wish me luck!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Personal Fave #12 - If You've GOT to Have Those Chips!

They have 30% less fat than potato chips (ZERO trans fat) and have a very light and airy crispiness to them. They are delicious! Matter of fact, I'm crunching on some now.
Try 'em. You and your kids will get hooked.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The Itallion Stallion New on DVD
So, I'm not the most objective commenter when I say I thought the movie was great. The action is true 80's style with up-to-date effects. It's more gory and brutal than any of his other movies, bringing to light the true horror of Burmese atrocities. Stallone looks incredibly buff, like he hasn't missed a BEAT all these years. Amazing. At 61, he deserves a great deal of respect for pulling Rambo off. Let's face it-- the man can do action and he can do it well.
I'm on a Sly Stallone "high" again and can't wait to rent Rocky Balboa now. I can't believe I let that rental slide.
In the meantime, here's a clip of him training for Balboa. I shall never complain again at the gym....
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
What is Baltimore Club Music?
Baltimore Club, also called Baltimore Breaks,
Baltimore Club is exemplified by its 8/4 beat structure and tempos at or near 130 beats per minute. It combines repetitive, looped vocal snippets similar to ghetto house with humorous vocal samples from television shows like Sanford and Son and Sponge Bob SquarePants, and also includes heavy breakbeats and call and response stanzas similar to those found in the Go-Go music of
(ref. Wikipedia)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Just plain NASTY...
Think again.
Around the world, trichuriasis is a very common intestinal helminthic infection, and about one quarter of the world population is thought to carry the parasite. This is just one of many different kinds of parasites that may be living inside of you right now.
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE... and to Meet Dr. Gudakunst
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE... and to Meet Dr. Gudakunst
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Couples Therapy, Anyone?
Yes, last night, 'A' and I hosted our first annual "Not-So-Newlywed" Game. Seven couples in all got grilled on everything from the strangest gift they'd ever received from their spouses, to recalling the last time they had sex. (One woman said "yesterday" while her husband said "last week"... Hmmm....)
Many drinks were consumed before we began and as couples competed for the Grand Prize, the heat was on. For the first round, the wives were sent outside while the husbands answered 9 questions. The couples re-convened to guess and reveal answers. In the second round, the men were sent outside and the women had their shot at answering 9 additional questions.

One husband wrote, "Shoes."
Another husband wrote, "A bra."
Excuse me? In what lifetime?!???
(Both husbands were bitch-slapped.)
Question: Wives, what is the first thing your husband notices about a woman?

Two wives were certain it was a woman's smile.
Ahem. Uh, noooooooo... Not one husband agreed. It was either the legs, boobs or ass. As one husband (whose wife strongly believed it was smile) aptly stated, "That'd be the cans!"
Question: Husbands, when was the last time you has sex?

Question: Wives, who would be at the top of your husband's "Celebrities I'd have sex with" List?
Husbands' selections were Halle Berry, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Biel, Charlize Theron, Tia Carrere and Jennifer Aniston.

Our Grand Prize winners won a Couple's Night Out/In Gift Package featuring an extra large ceramic popcorn bucket filled with Hershey's kisses, movie tickets, mega-sized candy bars, microwave popcorn, a Blockbuster gift card, and million dollar prize money (notepad)!
Everyone else received a consolation prize of warming massage oil from the Booty Parlor.
Woo hoo!!!! Until next time...

Thursday, May 15, 2008
While I’m on the subject of Dobes…
The very act of me sitting to put on my running shoes, (and these specifically… not my flip flops or any other shoes) must sound like a 3-siren alarm to Cash, because he comes bolting out of nowhere to slither in next to me in hopes that I will take him along.
Being the ever-so-polite canine that he is, he doesn’t whine, whimper or bark at me. He doesn’t jump on me or paw at me. Instead, he casually tries to get me to notice him perhaps thinking that the image of him standing there and my intent to go running will somehow blend together effortlessly in my brain.
How does he do this? He burrows his snout deep deep deep into my hair and sniffs around my scalp. If I don’t “notice” then he proceeds to lay his body across my shoes. And as a last resort, he gets right under my chin, puts his face up to mine and stares into my eyes until I finally have to say, “Oh hi, Cash! I didn’t see you there! What brings you here?”
While I don’t always take him with me, Cash-man was in luck last Saturday.
Off we went and I thought, what a beautiful day. I’m going to make this a great workout and Cash is going to help me by making me run faster. Now, Dobermans can run at speeds as high as 45 mph, and Cash has never moved beyond a brisk walk with me. My goal that day was to pick up my pace enough to see Cash get a teensy weensy bit of air underneath his paws- even if for a few seconds!
As I huffed and puffed around the trail, I desperately tried to sustain a pace where he would have to, God forbid, jog! But he never did. He just walked and walked. If I ran faster, he’d just pick up the clip in his walk. No air. *sigh*
Nonetheless, he certainly gave me a great workout since I did
run faster. As we headed home, I saw his happy tongue hang out. He reached the front door well before me but then came back out to me and walked by my side. Perhaps he felt bad for me. So slow… Or maybe he was just being the dang good loyal dog that he is saying, “Come on, Mom.. you’re almost there. You can do it. Good job!”
Monday, May 5, 2008
Have you hugged your Dobe today?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Anyone down for Spring Break in CanCun?

I never did get around to reading the book because so many other books kept taking precedence and it got lost in my ever-growing pile of “books for later.” Now, some two years later, it turns out they made a movie out of the story.
Amazingly, it was brought to my attention by one of the attendees at my showing of "The Descent" last year. She mentioned that we ought to go and see the movie since it was supposedly along the same lines of horror. Naturally, I jumped at the opportunity and we managed to see it earlier this week.
The verdict?
Well, if you're into grim, relentless drama that acknowledges the grief that comes with unspeakable tragedy (like me) then you are in a bit of luck. However, I will say that this film was, at best, okay. It certainly was no Descent. I held, perhaps, unreasonably high hopes for this movie. Surely, nothing could match the sheer 'terror factor' of “The Descent.” Still, it beat a ho-hum Wednesday night at home.
Moral of the story: Never visit an out-of-the-way Mexican ruin covered by vines and blood-red flowers that make a squeaking sound... (huh?!?)
Tina’s rating: C+
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Great Strides 2008
I raved on and on about this angelic girl and wanted to know all about her and her parents. It was during this conversation that I learned Theresa was born with 'CF' or Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system for which there is currently no cure. It is one of the most common life-shortening, childhood onset inherited diseases.
Theresa has a younger sister, Caroline, who also has CF. While I hear little bits and pieces about the girls' lengthy hospital stays, infection scares and rigid therapy, I truly have no idea what it is like to have CF nor to care for a child with CF. I do know that it breaks my heart to see my own children come down with a simple cold. So I cannot even begin to imagine how Theresa and Caroline and their parents cope each day. To me, they are all crusaders, heroes, and a source of great inspiration.
Over the years, I've been an annual donor and supporter of my friend's efforts to raise fundraising dollars and I am inviting you, too, to learn more about CF, help spread awareness and donate. I love receiving updates on Theresa and Caroline and like my friend, am thankful the girls have survived another year.
Every little bit counts and gets researchers close to finding a cure for CF. There is no better time than now to donate! Go to:
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
A Cowboy and Honky Tonk?!?
Okay, I’ll admit I’ve never really been a fan of country music, not even that Kenny Cheesey guy.
BUT… after watching this season’s Celebrity Apprentice, I became yet another adoring fan of Trace Adkins. What a man. What a smile. And that voice! Whoooo-eeeeeeee! His voice brings out the giggle in my laugh, the swagger in my walk…
And while we're on the subject, here are some other
~ Viggo Mortensen
~ Kiefer Sutherland
~ Keanu Reeves
~ Matt Damon
~ Mark Wahlberg
~ Matthew Settle (Rufus Humphrey from Gossip Girl)
Watch Trace's new music video: "You're Gonna Miss This"
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
"That's not possible. Tony Almeida is dead."
You’ve probably seen the trailer where the bomb is dropped: Whoaaaah… Tony Almeida is not only back from the assumed dead, but he’s gone to the dark side! I had the pleasure of meeting Carlos Bernard while in LA last week. And while he has that evil, bad-ass look about him, I’m convinced he’s no bad guy. He can’t be! He is the only person Jack can trust- his only friend! Ugh. We will all just have to wait and see.
Beep beep beep…

Monday, March 31, 2008
Ladies Night
Thank you, ladies, for indulging me on the dance floor and especially the tequila shots :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Walk It Out!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I party like a rock star, look like a movie star, play like an all star...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
Today marks the first of a brand new year. Thanks to a gentleman whom I've never met, but whose daughter I befriended last summer, I've resolved this year to take time for myself to do ordinary things.
While reading his blog recently, I was moved by one of his entries. I've included it here. Enjoy... and cheers!
From the bestselling author, Harvey Mackay:
Author Mitch Albom says he wrote his book "For One More Day" when he became fascinated by how people answer this question: If they could spend one more day with a loved one already departed, how would they spend it? What would they do?
In Parade magazine, Albom says that he repeatedly found that people wanted to spend an ordinary day doing ordinary things with the people they had loved. Notably, almost everyone wanted to tell a special person just one more time how much they loved him or her. Others mentioned that they wanted to do the things they always did with that person, such as head to the racetrack, eat in a favorite hamburger joint or talk about old times.
One son wished that he could share knowledge that would have eased his father's guilt over an incident where the father threw a snowball and accidentally blinded another son. Later, after the father's death, the family learned that the son had a condition that had predisposed him to such an injury. He wanted to help his father lift his burden.
One man longed for a moment with his son who died in a car accident. He wanted to relive a favorite getaway, a walk with him in the woods.
Asking people to describe their wishes helped Albom understand what we yearn for. Often it's not something exotic or faraway. The most common responses involved personal connections and realizing that a normal day is something we should all treasure.
Chances are, you've been blessed with success and tremendous opportunity. You can likely recall some colossal failures and deep disappointments. Would you choose any of those for one more day? No matter how much the big things have changed your life, it seems that it's the little things, so many of which we take for granted, that make our lives worth living.
How does this relate to careers and work issues? No matter how passionate you are about your work, it's only part of your life. As you've heard so many times, don't work so hard at making a living that you forget to make a life. When work stress spills over to disrupt the rest of your life, you need to plug the dam. Is this how you would spend your "one more day?"
When you feel like you are tottering on the edge and you just need a break—you should take one. In today's busy world, it is easy to fall into the trap of never taking any time for yourself. Just about every time you pick up a newspaper or magazine these days, you find a study declaring that Americans are more stressed, sleep deprived and time-crunched than they ever have been. That's no way to spend one more day.
While you can't turn the clock back, you could certainly benefit from some real time away from the things that drain you. Spend that time instead with the people who are special in your life. Here are some simple suggestions:
Disconnect. Promise yourself that you will not answer your cell phone, return a text message or check your email. Lest you think I'm crazy, let me remind you that people have survived for centuries without these things. It's highly likely that you'll not only survive, but also probably emerge refreshed from unplugging and turning off for a change. When was the last time you had an uninterrupted dinner?
Escape for an evening. Leave work on time and stash your briefcase in a closet. Spend the hours doing something you love—anything but work! You know the old saying about all work and no play. Would you really come back—just for one more day of work?
Take your vacation time. Hoarding earned days? Do you lose them if you don't use them? Maybe you are just building up a cache of time that you will use "when you need to." People seem to be almost unwilling to take breaks when they really need them. Keep in mind that the workplace and world will survive, probably quite well, if you go on vacation. If you think you are indispensable at work, stick your finger in a bowl of water and notice the hole it leaves when you pull it out. Now try to imagine the hole in your family's life without you. It suddenly becomes a clear choice!