Monday, October 27, 2008

No more insanity!

As most of my readers know, I've been into fitness for most of my life. Participating in sports, athletic training, and other sweat-inducing activities is a large part of my lifestyle.

I've been fortunate to have tried and been exposed to many different activities, some of which I just can't help going back to even though I know I won't enjoy them!

Huh? Okay, so this past weekend, I woke up super early on Saturday and thought to myself, why not utilize this great energy and go to the gym? So I hopped out of bed and ran to see what classes were being offered at 6:30-ish... Well well well, the only one at that hour was spinning, cycling, running your legs in circles without going anywhere... whatever you want to call it.

Off I went. Now, this was not the first time I've taken a spin class. I've gone many many many times before, but never without several months in between. Why? Okay here's the deal.


For as long as I can recall, I have never been able to walk out of spin class without experiencing a great deal of post-workout pain. I'm NOT talking about muscle soreness. I'm NOT talking about lactic acid build-up. I'm no stranger to any of that, in fact, I LOVE that about working out. NOooooooooooooo...

I'm talking about a different pain- a pain unique to spinning in my, shall we say... AREA. Yes. It is now Monday and I am still experiencing the after-shock of that horrible bike seat.

Wtf?!? I always MARVEL at the other women at my gym who just spin away, week after week after week.. And multiple times per week! How do they do it???

I finally got the courage to ask a fellow "regular" rider on Saturday. "Don't you feel any PAIN?... Down THERE?" And this was her response:

"Oh, pssssshh. Don't worry. It'll toughen up!"

Toughen up? Yeeeeeeaaah. Maybe for you, but I'm not so into "toughening up" right there. Sorry! The words tough and flower just don't go together.. follow me?

I know I've learned this lesson over and over and so it's my own fault for continuing to take this class every so often. The end result is always the same. Einstein was right when he said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Ladies, I'm all ears... DO tell how you manage. And don't suggest those crazy padded shorts, please!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just say No to Spinning! That was my decision after several attempts including the padded shorts.