Yes, last night, 'A' and I hosted our first annual "Not-So-Newlywed" Game. Seven couples in all got grilled on everything from the strangest gift they'd ever received from their spouses, to recalling the last time they had sex. (One woman said "yesterday" while her husband said "last week"... Hmmm....)
Many drinks were consumed before we began and as couples competed for the Grand Prize, the heat was on. For the first round, the wives were sent outside while the husbands answered 9 questions. The couples re-convened to guess and reveal answers. In the second round, the men were sent outside and the women had their shot at answering 9 additional questions.

One husband wrote, "Shoes."
Another husband wrote, "A bra."
Excuse me? In what lifetime?!???
(Both husbands were bitch-slapped.)
Question: Wives, what is the first thing your husband notices about a woman?

Two wives were certain it was a woman's smile.
Ahem. Uh, noooooooo... Not one husband agreed. It was either the legs, boobs or ass. As one husband (whose wife strongly believed it was smile) aptly stated, "That'd be the cans!"
Question: Husbands, when was the last time you has sex?

Question: Wives, who would be at the top of your husband's "Celebrities I'd have sex with" List?
Husbands' selections were Halle Berry, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Biel, Charlize Theron, Tia Carrere and Jennifer Aniston.

Our Grand Prize winners won a Couple's Night Out/In Gift Package featuring an extra large ceramic popcorn bucket filled with Hershey's kisses, movie tickets, mega-sized candy bars, microwave popcorn, a Blockbuster gift card, and million dollar prize money (notepad)!
Everyone else received a consolation prize of warming massage oil from the Booty Parlor.
Woo hoo!!!! Until next time...

1 comment:
That was sooo much fun! And I will never be such a fool as to think he'd notice a smile before "cans" again!! Love you guys and can't wait until the summer party..hint hint. Wendi
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