Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Movie

Chick flick.

What comes to mind? Pretty In Pink… Pretty Woman… Legally Blonde… Sweet Alabama (Is that even the name of it?)

For me, it was a bad-ass British film featuring a stellar all-female cast about a group of adventurous gal pals that go on a spelunking trip. Spe-who-king? It’s cave exploring. This film was called “The Descent.” And man, have I gotten a RAP for showing this on Friday night.

Okay, so I have an affinity for horror films and like to stay on the lookout for those which can create sheer terror in their audiences. Unfortunately, ‘A’ doesn’t share this hobby with me so whenever new horror flicks come out I rarely get to see them in the theatres.

Several months ago, a long-distance friend highly recommended this movie for its tremendous fear factor and convinced me that I absolutely must see it. Knowing my dear husband would want no part of it, I decided to rent it take it with me on my next business trip. Why not watch it ALONE in my hotel room. I mean really, how scary could it be?

So off I went on my trip with my rental and I was so eager, I popped it into my laptop and began viewing it on the plane ride to my destination. Mind you, I had headphones on, so no one around me could hear the movie, but at one point (and those of you who’ve seen the film know EXACTLY what point I’m talking about) I yelped and jumped out of my seat only to realize the strangers to both my left and my right had done so IN UNISON with me! I had to turn the thing off to regain my composure in the first of 5 ensuing mental break installments.

Without a doubt this was, for me, one of the most cover-your-eyes, shriek-out-loud, Holy Crap jump-out-of-your-seat, pee-your-pants-in-one-fell-swoop frightening films I have ever seen. And while there are a lot of good horror flicks out there as well as classics, I believe that if a film can ever sustain that kind of wring-your-neck tension for 90+ minutes straight, it deserves a friggin’ Oscar.

And don’t you like to share Oscar-worthy movies with your girlfriends?? Come on, I thought my pals would also appreciate this film as much as I do, but NO. They just didn’t. It’s certainly not for everyone as I discovered. It’s not “Fright Night” nor “Friday the 13th”. The Descent will scare you to the core. If you haven’t seen it- watch it. It is the kind of horror film experience I dream about, where I’m screaming (and cursing) out loud. My fright-induced neck injury from my initial viewing should be proof-positive that you ought to at least judge for yourself.

… Just maybe not over Mother’s Day weekend.

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