Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Today’s Daily Affirmation

Do you partake in daily affirmations? I've been told they can be a wonderful jumpstart to your day or project. Furthermore, they can even become a reality if you truly believe and engage in what you are stating.

Here's what you're supposed to do:
1. Close your eyes, look up to the sky and smile to generate emotion. Then scream your affirmation out loud while visualizing the statement.

2. Do this 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night.
(Try it in the shower. Turn the water as cold as possible and scream your affirmation to further intensify your emotion and commitment.)

3. Do this for the next 90 days.

Can't hurt to try it, right?
Aw hell, why not?

“I’m a sexy mama!”

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