Monday, April 23, 2007

Haircuts and Navel Piercing

Happy Monday! In preparation for my evening with Kieferrrrrrrrrr, I went to get a much-needed haircut. There’s nothing quite like having that perfect hairstylist. You know, the kind that knows and understands YOUR hair. The kind that doesn’t need any explanation, but just goes to work and then works magic on your ‘do. The kind that’s also your friend (or at least makes you feel like she’s your pal.) Well, I am fortunate enough to have one of those stylists… Or not…

Today was different. One of our topics of conversation was body piercings. ‘M’ (my stylist), is no stranger to multiple piercings of various sorts and I casually mentioned wanting to SOMEDAY re-pierce my belly button since my previous one had closed up after my pregnancies. (Mental note to self: Never ever mention even remotely wanting a piercing or any other painful body inflictions in ‘M’s presence again.)

My routine hair appointment was immediately followed by a drag (by the new hairdo, no less) to the piercing salon which just so happened to be directly across the street. How friggin’ CONVENIENT. Now, really, I know this is no big deal to most, but I tend to get squeamish when it comes to needles and things of the like. I like to have time to prepare for punctures, you know? ‘M’ clearly detected my fear and got some sick pleasure out of going with me to the parlour knowing she’d get to watch me suffer-- all under the guise of “support,” of course (pssh- yeah right.) As we’re walking in she’s all, “Oh my gosh- I’m so excited my nipples are getting hard!” What the $#@%!? She's sick.

I'll spare you from the additional drama and say that it’s done, or rather re-done. Wasn’t too bad, though I would have much rather had more time to prepare or at least had my husband there for another “sympathy” piercing. Yes, that is how I got through the first one-- I made him get pierced as well. I guess I’m just as ill as ‘M’. (And don't ask me where, 'cause I'll tell you Ft. Lauderdale.)

*By the way, ‘M’ is definitely Pinked In. Not only is she a polecat, herself, but she also digs her music. On her playlist? Lords of Acid. Reading list? Wicked Games. Love it! She’s a whole other blog..


Unknown said...

you know you loved every second of it

Anonymous said...

i wish i was there!!!!!